Wednesday, June 09, 2004
an open letter to(the idea of)gaylund stone

dear mr. stone,

some months ago (was it in april?) you came to rufus king as an official examiner for the IBO. you may remember our interview, in which i blithered and wrung my hands and tried really, really hard to condense all i had learned (imagine, reader's digest condensed art. you wouldn't like it, i imagine.) and say things that reflected that, at least generally. you may recall the generally awful job i did of answering your questions, i certainly do.

since then, i've ruminated and marinated over the things you asked me, and have come up with a lot of deep, insightful answers that i would have liked to given. that's ok. i'll save these answers and pop them like hard candy in the future, enjoying their overwrought completenes.

but there was one thing you said to me, not a question exactly, but a topic of discussion that almost made my eyebrows break from their orbit on my face. you said to me, "i don't see a lot of your personality showing through in your work." i was so shocked by this pronouncement that i said something rather stunted and silly about everything having come from and blah blah blah. what i really wanted to ask you, what i really want to ask you is, what were you looking for? the question just tumbles like an ice cube into my gut whenever i begin to dwell on that abysmal interview. where did you expect to find my personality that you weren't?

i don't mean to be rude. it's just hard to be respectful of the idea of a person. so, you know, whenever you get a chance, write me back with the idea of an answer, ok?

disrespectfully, but not on purpose,

emily joy

- posted by emily oi! @ 11:06 PM | | 0 rocks in pond


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